Senior Living


How to Publish Your Nursing Home, Memory Care, Independent Living, Assisted Living & Senior Living Newsletter

Publishing a senior living newsletter is a great way to share information, news and insights with your residents and their families, as well as prospective residents and their families.

Here is a step-by-step approach to self-publishing your senior living newsletter:

Create Your Content Plan

What topics will you cover in your newsletter? You will want to consider facility news and events, health and wellness tips, profiles of residents and staff members, interesting stories about your community and other timely, relevant information. You may also want to include your activities calendar as an embedded or inserted element of your newsletter.

Decide on Your Frequency

How often will you publish your newsletter? Your residents may love to receive a daily newsletter with breakfast each morning, but it may be more realistic to publish weekly or bi-weekly, but at least monthly.

Determine your Design

You will want to create a template for your newsletter that is visually appealing and easy to read. Your graphics, images and other design elements really do matter in creating a newsletter you will be proud to publish.

Gather Your Content

You will need to gather content from a variety of sources, including staff members, residents, families and other sources. Make sure you capture photos and other relevant information as you assemble your content.

Write Your Newsletter Articles

You have a content plan, a great design template and lots of interesting information that you have gathered from a variety of sources. Now it’s time to sit down at your keyboard and pound out compelling articles for your newsletter that your residents and their families will love!

Edit and Proofread Your Newsletter

Before publishing your newsletter, you will need to review your content for accuracy and grammar, as well as to make sure your content “fits” the design of your newsletter. It is also always a good idea to have a second set of eyes review your content to ensure it is error-free.

Off to Your Printer

With so much time and effort into your newsletter, you will definitely want to have it professionally printed. You will submit your digital content to your printer, receive a proof for your approval and then wait for your copies to be ready for pickup.

Proudly Distribute Your Newsletter

Now it’s time to deliver your newsletter to your residents, mail it to their families and arm your marketing team with the latest edition.

It is a lot of work to self-publish a newsletter for your Nursing Home, Memory Care, Independent Living, Assisted Living or Senior Living facility.

But it is well worth it to keep your residents and their families active, entertained and engaged. You don’t need to do it all on your own, of course.

MyCorwin makes it easy to publish your Senior Living Newsletter:


Writer’s block? No problem. We create relevant, engaging content for your facility.


Searching for the right design or images? Your readers will say “WOW” once our designers work their magic!.


Getting your newsletters ready, proofed, printed & delivered on-time is always a challenge. We take the pressure off you and deliver your newsletters on time, every time.


Arm your marketing team with high-quality collateral to attract new residents, power up your activity director to keep residents engaged and keep their families happy too!


You are beyond busy. We do the heavy lifting to free you from creation and production burdens.

Learn more about how we make publishing your senior living newsletter easy.

Creating Your Senior Living Newsletter Content Plan 

Developing a content plan for your senior living newsletter requires careful consideration of the interests and needs of your residents and their families as well as prospective residents. 

What do they want to read about? What do they want to see? How can you inspire and stimulate them with your content? Here are some steps to follow:

Determine Your Objectives

Why are you creating a senior living newsletter and what you hope to achieve with it?

Your objectives of keeping residents and families informed about community news and events, providing helpful tips and resources and promoting your community to prospective residents.

Each of these objectives will add great value to your Nursing Home, Memory Care, Independent Living, Assisted Living or Senior Living facility.

Know Your Audience

What content interests your senior living newsletter readers?

Facility news and events, health and wellness tips as well as resident and staff member profiles should all be of great interest, but what content would really engage their interest?

How do you find out? Just ask your audience what they would like to read!

Research Potential Topics

You will want to research potential topics that will be of interest to your readers and begin gathering information on these topics.

You will always find more facility news and events, health and wellness tips, profiles of residents and staff members or other interesting stories on your community.

Start your research now and gather as much background information as you can today so you aren’t scrambling for information tomorrow.


Develop Your Content Calendar

Now that you have identified and researched potential topics, it’s time to develop your content calendar and decide when each topic will be covered.

It’s easy to schedule content as the season’s change and holidays are imminent, but you may have some tough choices about what else you want to cover and when.

Assign Responsibilities

Get other team members involved in creating your content.

Leverage what your caregivers know about your residents and their families, what your marketing team knows about prospective residents and what other team members may know about the community.

Make sure to set deadlines and provide guidelines for content creation to ensure consistent quality.

Review & Adjust

Review from Time-to-Time and Expect to Adjust Your Content Plan

Review your content plan regularly to ensure that it is meeting your goals and resonating with your audience.

Don’t be afraid to adjust as needed to improve the impact of your senior living newsletter.

You can develop a content plan for an engaging, informative and relevant senior living newsletter. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us to discuss your content plan.

How often should you publish your senior living newsletter?

The frequency of publishing your senior living newsletter can depend on several factors, including the size of your community, the availability of content, the preferences of your audience and of course, your budget. But it is important to publish your senior living newsletter on a regular basis to keep residents and families informed and engaged.

Monthly publication is a common frequency for senior living newsletters, as it provides enough time to collect and curate content while keeping readers engaged with regular updates. Some communities choose to publish their newsletter more frequently, while considering these constraints:

Availability of Content

One of the most important factors that can limit the frequency of your senior living newsletter is the availability of content. If there is not enough content to share, publishing your newsletter too frequently may result in repetition and reduced engagement.

Staffing and Resources

Publishing a newsletter can be time-consuming and requires staff resources. If your staff is already stretched thin, it may not be feasible to publish your newsletter more often. MyCorwin can help you address this constraint with many engaging articles to reduce the burden on you and your staff.

Printing & Distribution Costs

Printing and distribution costs can add up quickly, especially if you have a large community. MyCorwin’s on-site printing capabilities enable us to deliver very affordable printing rates, especially with larger volumes.

Reader Engagement

It’s important to ensure that your newsletter is engaging and relevant to your audience. If readers are not engaging with your newsletter or providing feedback, it may be an indication that publishing more often is not necessary.

Overwhelming Readers

Publishing your senior living newsletter too frequently can overwhelm readers and lead to fatigue. It’s important to strike a balance between providing valuable information and not overwhelming your audience.

Ultimately, the frequency of your senior living newsletter should be based on what works best for your community and your audience.

It’s important to maintain a consistent publication schedule, so readers know when to expect your newsletter and can rely on it as a source of information and connection.

Why is design important for your senior living newsletter? 

Design matters! It is a very, very important aspect of publishing your senior living newsletter if you want to engage your residents, their families and prospective residents. 

Visual Appeal

A well-designed newsletter is visually appealing and can grab the attention of your audience. Aesthetically pleasing design can enhance the readability of your newsletter, making it more enjoyable to read.


A well-designed newsletter conveys a sense of professionalism and credibility to your audience. This can help establish trust and build a positive reputation for your senior living community.


Design elements such as color, typography and imagery can help reinforce your brand and create a consistent look and feel across all of your marketing materials.


A well-designed newsletter can help organize information in a way that is easy to read and understand. Design elements such as headings, subheadings, and bullet points can help break up large blocks of text and make your newsletter more scannable.

Reader Experience

Design can impact your reader experience, making it easier or more difficult for your audience to navigate and find the information they need. Good design can make it easy for readers to find the content they are interested in and engage with your newsletter.

Overall, design plays a vitally important role in the success of your senior living newsletter. A well-designed newsletter can enhance the readability, professionalism and branding of your community, making it a valuable tool for communication and engagement.

How to research and gather content for your newsletter? 

Researching and gathering content for your senior living newsletter requires a multi-pronged approach that involves multiple sources of information.

Here are some of the best ways to research and gather content for your senior living newsletter: 

Staff Members

Your community’s staff members are an excellent source of information about events, news and updates that are relevant to your audience. They can also provide insights into the needs and interests of your residents.


Your residents are the heart of your community and their input can provide valuable insights into what type of content is most relevant and interesting. Consider conducting surveys, focus groups or interviews with residents to gather their feedback and input.

Community Events

Attending and covering community events is a great way to gather content for your senior living newsletter. Be sure to take photos and collect quotes from attendees and organizers to include in your newsletter.

Local News Sources

Keeping up with local news sources, such as newspapers, blogs, and social media accounts, can provide valuable information about events, trends, and news in your area. Consider including relevant news stories in your newsletter.

Industry Publications

There are many industry publications that cover senior living news and trends. Reading and referencing these publications can help you stay up-to-date on the latest developments and best practices in senior living.

Online Resources

There are many online resources that can provide inspiration and ideas for content, such as blogs, social media and other online publications. Be sure to credit and cite any sources you use in your newsletter.

Subscribe to MyCorwin’s newsletter for helpful tips on activities and senior living topics.

Using a variety of sources and approaches helps you gather a diverse and interesting range of content for your senior living newsletter. Be mindful of your audience’s interests and needs to provide content that is engaging, informative and relevant.

What is the best way to write articles for your Senior Living Newsletter?

There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a keyboard (typewriter) and bleed.
–   Ernest Hemingway 

Writing articles for a senior living newsletter requires a thoughtful approach that considers the interests and needs of your readers. Here are some tips for writing effective articles: 

Choose Relevant Topics

Leverage your content plan and choose topics that are relevant and interesting to your residents, their family members and prospective residents. Consider what types of information or insights your readers might be seeking and what would be most helpful to them.

Keep It Concise

Seniors and their families may have limited time and attention spans, so it’s important to keep articles concise and to the point. Focus on the most important information and avoid unnecessary or overly complex language.

Use Simple Language

Use simple, straightforward language that is easy to understand. Avoid jargon or technical language that might be unfamiliar to your readers.

Use Storytelling Techniques

Use storytelling techniques to make your articles more engaging and relatable. Consider sharing personal anecdotes or featuring resident profiles to help readers connect with the content.

Include Visuals

Visuals, such as photos or infographics, can help break up text and make articles more visually appealing. Make sure your visuals are relevant and informative for your residents, their family members and prospective residents.

Provide Actionable Advice

Provide actionable advice or tips that readers can use in their daily lives. This can help make your articles more useful and valuable to your audience.

Provide Additional Resources

When appropriate, provide additional resources or links to related content that readers can explore if they want to learn more. This can help deepen engagement and build trust with your audience.

You can write effective articles for your senior living newsletter that are engaging, informative, and relevant for your audience by following these tips. Remember to keep the needs and interests of your audience in mind and to provide content that is both useful and enjoyable to read.

What are some editing & proofreading tips for your newsletter?

Editing your senior living newsletter is an important step in ensuring that your content is clear, accurate, engaging and most importantly, error-free.

Here are some tips to make your editing and proofreading experience pain-free: 

Read with Fresh Eyes

After you have completed the writing and layout process, take a break from your newsletter for a day or two. This will allow you to return to it with fresh eyes and a new perspective.

Check for Accuracy

Verify that all information in your newsletter is accurate and up-to-date. Check names, dates, and other details to ensure that there are no errors.

Review for Clarity

Review your newsletter for clarity and ease of understanding. Make sure that the language is straightforward and that the content is easy to read and follow.

Cut Unneccessary Information

Eliminate any information that is not necessary or redundant. This will help keep your newsletter concise and focused.

Proofread for Spelling & Grammar

Check your newsletter for grammar and spelling errors. Use a spell checker and also read through each article slowly and carefully to catch any errors that may have been missed.

Consider Your Design

Review the design of your newsletter and ensure that it is consistent and visually appealing. Check for any design elements that are distracting or difficult to read.

Get Feedback

Ask colleagues to review your newsletter and provide feedback. This can help you identify areas for improvement and ensure that your newsletter is meeting the needs and interests of your audience.

You can edit your senior living newsletter effectively and ensure that it is engaging, accurate, and well-received by your audience by following these tips or simply leverage our resources at MyCorwin to publish your senior living newsletter.

What are the steps in printing your senior living newsletter?

Printing your senior living newsletter requires careful planning and attention to detail to ensure that the final product meets your expectations:

Determine Your Quantity

Determine how many copies of your newsletter you need to print. This depends on the size of your community and how many residents and family members you want to distribute your newsletter to as well as the needs of your marketing team for prospective residents.

Select Your Printer

Research and select a printer that can produce the quality and quantity of newsletters you require. Consider factors such as cost, turnaround time and quality of print.

Format for Printing

Format your newsletter for printing by ensuring that all images and graphics are high resolution and that your newsletter is optimized for the printing process.

Review a Proof

Request a proof from your printer and carefully review it for accuracy, formatting and quality. Make any necessary changes and corrections before approving the final print run.


Select Paper & Printing Options

Select the type of paper and printing options that best fit your budget and quality requirements. Consider factors such as paper weight, finish and color.

Print & Bind

Once you have approved the proof and selected the paper and printing options, your printer will begin the printing process. After printing, your newsletters may need to be folded, collated and bound before being distributed.

By following these steps, you can print your senior living newsletter with confidence, knowing that it will be of high quality and well-received by your audience.

What to consider in distributing your senior living newsletter? 

Congratulations! You have your newsletter hot off the presses from your printer! It is now time to distribute your senior living newsletter to your readers.

You will have the opportunity to hand deliver your newsletter to your residents. Make it a fun experience and tell them about what’s inside your senior living newsletter. 

You will most likely mail your newsletter to family members. Take advantage of the opportunity to thank them for the opportunity to care for their loved ones and encourage them to stay involved in their lives.

You will also want to assemble your newsletter with other marketing material for prospective residents.

Make sure you consider these tips in your distribution process:

Delivery Method

Determine the best delivery method for your newsletter, including hand delivery to residents and mailing to family members and including with your other marketing material.

Stick to Your Schedule

You want to distribute your senior living newsletter on a consistent schedule that is consistent and predictable. This helps build anticipation and engagement with your newsletter.

Distribution Lists

Develop a distribution list that includes residents, family members staff, and other relevant parties. Make sure to keep your distribution lists updated and accurate.


Take advantage of opportunities to personalize your newsletter as you deliver it. You could write a resident’s name on their copy and include a cover letter on those you mail to their family members.


Make sure your newsletter is accessible to all members of your audience. This could include providing large print versions for those with visual impairments or providing translation services for those who speak a language other than English.


Encourage feedback from your audience as you distribute your senior living newsletter. Make it easy for readers to share their thoughts, opinions and suggestions to make your newsletter even better.

You can distribute your senior living newsletter effectively and ensure that it reaches your intended audience in a timely and engaging manner.

What Should You Consider When Choosing a Senior Living Newsletter Services Provider? 

Choosing the right Senior Living Newsletter service is essential to reduce your stress, save you time and money and ensure you, your staff, your residents and their families receive a product of the highest quality. 

Here are some factors to consider when choosing your service provider for your nursing home, memory care, senior living, assisted living or independent living facility:

Portfolio and Experience

Review the design firm’s portfolio to see if their work matches your aesthetic preferences and design needs. You can also check their experience in working with similar businesses or industries to ensure they have the necessary expertise to deliver quality work.

MyCorwin has delivered newsletters for seniors to hundreds of nursing homes, memory care, senior living, assisted living & independent living facilities since 1993.


Make sure the firm has expertise in the specific areas you need, such as branding, print design, web design or packaging design.

As a graphics design and printing firm specializing in calendars and newsletters for nursing homes, memory care, senior living, assisted living & independent living facilities since 1993, you can trust our deep experience and expertise to deliver a product of the highest quality that will make you proud!


Look for a firm that can provide creative solutions and unique ideas that stand out from your competition.

We know you need a special touch to make the uniqueness of your facility stand out. Our graphic designers will work hand-in-hand with you to make sure you say “WOW” when you see our printed newsletters for your facility.


Ensure the firm is available to work within your timelines and deadlines.

We know how important it is that your newsletters arrive on time, every time. We will always do our part to make that happen for your Senior Living facility newsletters.


Check the technology the design firm uses, such as design software, file transfer and project management tools to ensure they use up-to-date and effective technology.

Our online portal has been designed to make it easy for you to add your content to your newsletter, approve the design and schedule production to meet your deadlines.


Consider the size of the design team, as larger teams can often handle more significant projects, but smaller teams may offer a more personalized approach and faster turnaround times.

Our team of 10 is lean, but we are committed to delivering the highest quality newsletters for your nursing homes, memory care, senior living, assisted living or independent living facility.


Choose a design firm that is easy to communicate with and responds promptly to your inquiries. Good communication is essential for a successful partnership.

Our chatbot is on duty 24 x 7 and we will get back to you immediately during business hours to answer any questions you may have regarding your facility’s newsletters or calendars.


Ask for detailed pricing and contract terms upfront to ensure your activity calendars fit your budget and you get value for your investment.

We know budgets are tight and affordable pricing is essential. Our in-house printing capabilities enable us to deliver the absolute best pricing for your senior living newsletters.

Reviews & Testimonials

Check the reviews and testimonials from previous clients to understand their experience with the design firm.

We are delighted to share our many 5-star reviews and testimonials from our clients with you and are certain you will come to love us as much as they do!

How can you get impactful activity calendars without the burdens of design and publishing?

Since 1993, MyCorwin has delivered the most impactful activity calendars for seniors in nursing homes, memory care, senior living, assisted living or independent living facilities. 

We start with the most user-friendly online custom calendar builder. You won’t need any special computer skills or programming knowledge to easily learn to use it in just minutes, as MyCorwin is compatible with both PC and Mac computers and tablets as well as all modern browsers. 

You simply log in, submit your activities and schedule, then log out to customize your calendar at your convenience! Our state-of-the-art activities calendar system saves your work so you can pick up right where you left off each time you log in. We make creating your own custom calendar a breeze with these easy steps:

Input Your Activities & Choose Your Artwork

Maximize your exposure with your facility logo and branding on every calendar. Items that remain the same month to month, such as logo, disclaimer, location, staff listing, etc., are included. If you have updates, simply make those changes online.

Choose your calendar’s theme each month

MyCorwin’s holiday, seasonal and contemporary theme offerings allow you to have complete control over  your calendar’s look. Each theme is professionally designed with your residents in mind.

Carry over recurring events month-to-month

Your calendar information is saved monthly, allowing you to easily edit content from previous months. No retyping necessary!

Choose Your Quantities Based on Your Package

Based on your Calendar Package, choose your calendar quantities plus the number of poster calendars. Just tell us how many you need this month and we'll get our presses rolling!

Still have questions? Call us at 813-226-4242 or if you prefer a video meeting, click below to 

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